You're N O T Wifey Material
Sorry ladies, but a good sex game isn't enough to keep a man around anymore.
See, in my opinion "wifey material" doesn't necessarily mean that a guy will actually propose to you and give you that fantasy wedding when you're older.
I think that ''wifey material" just simply means that a guy likes you enough to keep you around for a while..
However, it kills me when a hoodrat literally S C R E A M S "GURL HE STAYIN' AROUND CUZ I GOT DAT WET-WET! IM WIFEY!"
This is the face I make ----> -____________________________________________-
And this is what I think ----> Girl what?!
Personally, I feel like if a female only has sex to offer a guy, then who the hell would "wife" that?
Now, there is nothing wrong with being sexual, but relationships, and even real-life marriages are built on way better standards than that.
- Be supportive. Men love women who support them to the fullest. No matter what, you have to be his biggest fan, and most positive influence.
- Be loyal. No guy likes an unfaithful female. If that's the case, stay single. Being loyal can be one of the most attractive attribute a woman can possess.
- Don't be a gold digger. I'm sorry but I feel like if a girl is constantly in a dude's pocket, yet does NOTHING TO DESERVE IT.. you need to be cancelled. End of discussion
- Love unconditionally, not stupidly. Love a man flaws and all, there should never be a desire to change them. If they're really the one, they'll want to please you on their own..
Sex is an important factor. But it's not the end-all,