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Rated REAL - Call Out To My Black Ladies.. Written By @Deep_Chris_Jay


I love black women! I do not fear you all as people, but I fear the direction many are heading! Black women to me are most beautiful, powerful, independent, loving women on Earth. I tried dating outside my race a few times and I always went back to my black queens. Black women in past had it as rough as some black men. Not only did black women have to deal with oppression from white folks, but even black men. Black women had to work just as hard to prove themselves in areas in life to be something other then objects of affection. When I look at the history of black women, it makes me attracted to them so much more simply because black women are so mentally powerful and willing.  I love me a strong woman; it is beautiful quality. Another thing was they wanted to be respected! They carried themselves with respect, with a unique swagger that called for attention but lead to respect. I LOVE BLACK WOMEN! Black women were key to black people getting better rights.  But some qualities these new black girls are showing are mighty scary!


WHERE ARE THE BLACK WOMEN WHO WANT TO BE RESPECTED! WANT TO BE LEADERS! MAKE AN IMPACT! MAKE THESE NEW NIGGAS (As I like to call them)  BE MEN! Damn! Many black women have given in to this culture of ratchetness:

  •  Degrading themselves.
  • Excessive partying, drinking, and smoking.
  • Having a bunch of sex. 
  • Looking for love in all the wrong wrong places.
  • Becoming respectable, ideal, beautiful inside (not just outside) black women! 


Ya'll have no morals anymore! Black Women revolutionaries are probably shaking they heads and rolling in there graves at behavior many black ladies show now a days! This ratchetness culture, this lust over love mentality, more partying then learning, baby mommas over being wives(not "wifey" but a wife) ETC ETC! It's literally scary!


 Yes, I can admit many black men aren't doing their job! But ya'll behavior doesn't help the situation at all! How can you expect black men to get better if black women aren't doing any better? God made Eve by using Adam's rib! Women are a piece of men, and we are forever connected because of that! Through that connection I feel we need to keep each other in check! Black men make sure women are respectable and black women especially keep us men in check! Yet now we lost all care in world. Black women want a good man and complain that there are no good black men! That's because many of these females aren't making a dude work! This where morals and values come into play! Make a dude work we will do whatever for it! Even sex! Yes, as a man of God I have to wait for sex! But I need a woman to make me want to put a ring on it so I can do what it do after that reception and all that junk! Females close yo legs and open your heads! It's up to ya'll to keep a man in check..Eve influenced Adam to eat the apple! See what I'm talking about there!
I'm just saying ladies get it women are almost a joke now..and to find a good one is tough! One I found II still love to death and we not together right now! But she set standard for every female I've ever met! And I have yet to find a black woman to come close! It used to be more good black women then black men, but it got to point where there is not many either of both.

Christian Jefferson is a multi-talented young man of God from Chicago who does everything from write music and poetry to host radio shows and other entertainment oriented events. Follow him on Twitter @Deep_Chris_Jay
Well ladies... is Chris Jay right? Are black women really heading down a path of destruction? Is it our job to keep men in check? Leave your thoughts and comments below!