Kia Smith Writes

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Recap From the #WriteYourselfALoveLetterChallenge Event

So, let me tell ya'll how good GOD is!When the ending of 2017 came around, like most people I started thinking about my goals and what I wanted for myself, my blog and my brand. The end goal of all of this is to become a full-time blogger, I want to be able to make money doing what I love while remaining impactful and authentic.I'm a person who journals, so I wrote a few things down about how I wanted to leverage my blog to bring in income for me while continuing to work my full-time job. When I was in undergrad, I gained some experience in event planning and had been to a few blogger events myself.So I was like.... Kia, this year you're gonna have 3 successful events this year. The first one will be free just so you can see if you can do it. So then I started brainstorming about what type of event I wanted to have and my blog posts from the #WriteYourselfALoveLetterChallenge came to mind. I remembered that on Valentine's Day of 2017 I was asked by The Women's Center down in my college town to come and present the challenge to the community women who got serviced by the center. We talked about self -love, our struggles with it, and wrote love letters and poems to ourselves. Fast forward to graduating and moving back home to Chicago and I knew that my love letter event was the one I wanted to bring to life.

But of course, it wasn't easy.

In fact, I'm convinced that great things don't happen without a little mishap.

I had the original date set for February 10th. Until my lovely hometown of Chicago decides to have a damn SNOWSTORM. TALK ABOUT DEVASTATED!!!!!!!!!!!!Chile, I cried lol. I was so upset that my event couldn't happen when I wanted it to happen. What made matters worse was that the venue I rented didn't have any other available dates in February, so it wasn't like I could just easily reschedule a week later.I have a tendency to beat myself up when things don't work out the way I intend them to but between God and my friends, I snapped out of it. I always find a solution... I just gotta be dramatic about it first lol.My venue had an available date of March 3rd and I was comfortable with that because I figured, what better way to kick off my birthday month than to throw my very first event back home?Another cool thing that happened was that a journalism student, by name of Anna Kook from the award-winning North Western Medill School of Journalism hit me up on Facebook and said that she wanted to cover my event for her class project.I was in awe. I have no idea how she found me (thank you Internets) but I'm glad that she did. The event was amazing! We laughed, we cried, we drank hella wine and we wrote some beautiful love letters to ourselves!

Watch the video below and let me know what you think!

And don't worry, more events are coming soon!


Kia ♥♥♥♥♥

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