Rated REAL: Why You Come To College.

Ok, as you all may know (or may not know) I am currently in my second semester of being a first year college student, and if ya’ll have been following the blog, you all know that I talked MAD shit about it.
From the people in college, to the purpose of a college degree, I was cynical of it ALL.
Until recently, I suddenly had a change of heart. And I realized….the real reason why we come to college.

For most of us, it has been drilled into our heads since birth that we are supposed to graduate high school, go to college, get a degree, and then get a job and live your adult life.
Sounds boring right? Right!

Well, I’m here to tell you all that we've been misinformed all our lives. The lifestyle I've described is what I call settling, and I’m sure those of us who have many hopes, dreams, and aspirations do NOT want to settle.
Don’t get me wrong, a higher education is not for everyone. However, most of us are not lucky enough to become rich and famous CEO’s of billion dollar companies, so in this world; higher education is a must, depending on what you want to do.

So you ask,  why am I in college?
 What’s the point of going? Why spend all that money just to get a job, just to pay back college loans? Why waste my time?

Well…. First off, if you think the point of college is to just get a job, you've failed. College is not for a job, unless you are attending a technical or vocational school.

Secondly, You come to college to learn some type of knowledge and APPLY it. Whatever you learn, you are supposed to make sure it's useful enough to transform your environment, and influence others.

As young adults, we have to learn how to humble ourselves. If we have the opportunity to get an education, then we need to get it by any means necessary.  People before us were never granted the opportunity to go to college, but here we are doubting ourselves because we don't want to wake up early, go to boring classes, or be in debt. 

I live in a generation where no one wants to grind and work for what they need.  Sometimes, you need that piece of paper or few pieces of paper to survive. I feel if a person isn't equipped with the right tools, then they will not be able to take care of themselves or a future family adequately.

You come to college to struggle now, and become champions in the end. The lessons you learn in this time period will shape you as you progress in life. 

So, now I pose this question:

Why are you in college?

If you're not in college, what's holding you back?


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