5 Years A Blogger
On January 1st, 2012 I started my blogging journey.
Through the years, I've learned so much about writing, blogging, and my own womanhood. I want to thank all my supporters over the years, for without you all I'm not sure where I would be. This blog has gained me some valuable connections, timeless life lessons and ultimately proves itself as an outlet for me to grow, learn, inspire and save my own life over and over again.Here are 5 things I learned over the years complete with some pretty cool photos shot by Kaleb Higginbotham or @lensconcepts on Instagram.
1) If you desire to start a blog, just do it.
There are so many people I know that desire to start a blog, but get caught up in either the "right" time or having the "right" components that they think goes along with blogging, such as professional website, a nice logo, a target audience, etc. While those things are important, I believe that a person who desires to blog should focus on creating content first. The other stuff will come, but you want to have something to show people first.
2) It's okay to start over & reinvent if you want to.
Keep in mind that when I started blogging, I was 17 going on 18 years old a couple months later. My mindset then versus my mindset now has completely changed and that should be expected. Growth is inevitable. I went from calling myself Kween K, to Kween Kia, to now just Kia Smith Writes. I've changed sites that hosted my blog, changed my focus from being a hip-hop music blogger to simply wanting to write about whatever is on my heart.My point is: You don't have to be confined to anyone's boxes, not even your own. If something about your brand is no longer working or making you happy, change it and be unapologetic about it. Burnout in blogging is REAL, and if this is something you want to do, make sure you are happy doing it.
3) Don't compare yourself to other writers or bloggers.
Look, there are some pretty amazing writers and bloggers out here who have thousands of followers out here, seem to be making lots of money and seem to be taking their brand to the next level.Over the years, I had to learn that just because other writers and bloggers seem more successful doesn't mean I lack as a writer or blogger. Comparison is truly the thief of joy, and I had no business comparing myself to other people when I wasn't even aware of the work, time and effort that went into cultivating their brand. Just because it looked easy doesn't mean that it is!Moral of the story: The grass is only as green where you water it. The energy you invest in checking for other people and comparing yourself to them is the same energy that can be used to level yourself up. Focus on you, and your writing and blogging or whatever brand building you do will get better.
4) Consistency is key, but don't force it.
Something I have struggled with over these last 5 years is being consistent in my blogging and writing. There have been times where I haven't written anything for months out of time, either due to pure laziness or simply not being inspired.However, I also learned the dangers of posting TOO much, just for the sake of posting.The quality of your content will always matter more than how often you post in my opinion. A way I started combatting this was doing writing challenges or writing prompts and actually taking out the time to plan my posts. It helps with my organization and consistency, and I won't have my readers asking where the hell I have been or if I even still blog lol.Learn when to post and when to take a break as well.
5) You don't know everything.
There is always something to know and learn about your craft. Study it. Apply it. And with so many free resources out here, with some effort and practice, you'll get better over time.I came into the blog game believing that I knew everything and I wasn't humble at all. When I realized that there was a lot I didn't know, I began to feel inadequate but that wasn't the case either.Instead, I should've had my ass on Google and utilized my amazing mentors/people I admire and soaked up every bit of information I could find. But you live and you learn with your craft. You will make mistakes, but that's how you learn.
Overall, these past 5 years have been nothing short of amazing. I can't wait to see what I accomplish in the next 5 years+.
Thank you all for supporting me for so long and I pray that you all will continue to do so in the years to come ♥♥♥♥♥.