Ghosts and Goblins
"I'm sorry if I ever did anything to hurt you or anyone around you...." is how a recent text from a guy that ghosted me last year popped up.I was flabbergasted. One reason was because I never expected to hear from him again and then, considering the type of guy that he is (or rather portrays himself to be) I definitely did not expect an apology.... even if it was generic.But this isn't about him or the shenanigans of Venus being in retrograde.
Let's talk about Ghosting. The thing that most people do, but everybody hates.
Gho-sting ɡōstiNG/ noun: Per my definition, ghosting is when you build a personal connection with a mf and then boom: out of nowhere things change and this person disappears into thin air. They don't return calls, texts, and if you happen to live in the same city with them; you don't see them.... like at ALL. Even if you purposely go to the same places they go or even pop up at their house. Needless to say, no matter what your reaction to being ghosted might be, the shit hurts. Like bad. But why does it hurt so much?
Consider Your Attachment Style
If you're anything like me, it may take you a moment to open up to others, especially romantically. I think the more time you spend talking, building, dating, fucking -- whatever, with someone your walls soften and you get used to a routine. When that routine is interrupted, it just feels weird. Not to be overly dramatic, but sometimes getting ghosted can feel like you lost a piece of you and now you have to figure out who you are again before you even met this person and started a routine with them. Understanding that all relationships and friendships don't last forever, but damn, who knew they'd be so temporary too? Our attachment styles have a lot to do with why we react so seriously when we get ghosted. Did we have a healthy attachment to that person? Or were we feeding a co-dependency issue that we have?
Ghosting Is Just Rude AF
Another reason why ghosting hurts so much is because its just RUDE AF! Some people feel like ghosting others is okay because not everyone deserves to know why you stopped fucking with them. That's cool, but what if that SAME energy was returned back to you? However, I do think we take it so hard because our egos get bruised. We think we are such great people that we are untouchable when it comes to the nuances of developing close relationships with others. Aside from bruised egos, ghosting is rude as fuck because of how cowardly and childish it is. It's okay to have changed feelings, but damn... can we exhibit some emotional maturity and just communicate?
If Someone Ghosts You, It's Not Your Fault
Probably the worst part about getting ghosted (aside from generic ass apologies after the fact) is all the self-doubt that comes creeping up. You begin to question yourself like was I not good enough? Was I far more invested in this thing than they were? What is it about my personality that made them tired of me? Do I need to change something about myself so this never happens to me again? Soooo many self-defeating thoughts, and if you already have low self esteem, then getting ghosted makes it worse. I have learned and I want you to understand that if someone ghosts you, it's not your fault.It's not your fault if someone ghosts you.It's not your fault if someone ghosts you.It's not your fault if someone ghosts you.It's not your fault if someone ghosts you.It's not your fault if someone ghosts you.It's not your fault if someone ghosts you.For crying out loud, it is not your fault if someone ghosts YOU. We cannot control grown ass people (no matter how much we deeply desire to) nor their actions. It is not your fault if people wake up one day and decide to walk out your life, let them do it.... you're the prize anyway.
What If I'm The One That Ghosted Somebody?
I have been that person too. And we ain't shit for doing it. I remember I ghosted this really sweet guy and to this day he never treated me ill because of it, which makes me feel even worse for doing it. At that time in my life, I lacked a lot of emotional maturity and refused to learn how to communicate through my shit.
Still, it's no excuse.
As I said earlier, it's okay if you wake up one day and no longer have the same feelings toward someone and it's okay if you no longer want to be in their life. But it's HOW you walk out their life that matters and as I've said, to do so with no word or explanation is just rude AF, G.
Is There Ever A Situation Where It's "OK" To Ghost Someone?
I'm still trying to figure this one out myself, because I know each case is different. Like one time, I was having casual sex with a guy and found out that the dick was trash.... so I ghosted him. He wasn't trying to be my boyfriend and I wasn't trying to be his girlfriend so to be honest, I don't even think he noticed that I was gone lol.In other cases, I do understand that sometimes you have to leave somebody exactly where they have you fucked up at. No explanation, especially when you've tried to communicate your feelings and they simply didn't listen. I know people who have ghosted because of that.Instead of finding situations where it's okay to ghost someone, can we put that energy into oh Idk.... being comfortable with being vulnerable and actually TALKING about what goes on? Like, we can't be childish forever. Use your words.
The Person Who Ghosted Me Has Apologized... Now What?
Shit..... don't fall for it sis! Lol.Y'all remember how on Insecure, Nathan ghosted Issa for a month and then tried to walk his yellow ass to her house with some flowers on her birthday? Like everything was all good? Whew chile, thank God for Molly intercepting because that could've taken a turn for the worse. That's how I felt when that dude from last year texted me apologizing this weekend. Where was this energy last year? But I digress.Understand that you don't have to do anything. Not even wanna accept it if you don't want to. You can actually pretend that the person doesn't exist, cuz that's how they did you when they ghosted you. (I'm a little petty, I know.)
Moral of the story
We all go through shit. Doesn't mean you have to ghost anybody.We all get ghosted. Stop blaming yourself, its not your fault.Communicate, it makes things easier. Work through the issues you have with vulnerability. We all have to grow up some day.Navigating relationships is scary enough. Let's not add ghosting to the mix.
Have you ever ghosted someone?Has someone ever ghosted you? If yes, how did it make you feel? Did your views on building relationships with people change?How did you get over getting ghosted?